The Green Wizard

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One Old Daoist Druid's Journey: The Green Wizard's Notebooks





Green Witchcraft, Green Wizardry
Green Old Religion, Green Paganism, Green Craft
Neo-Pagan, Druid, Wicca, Craft
Nature Myths, Plant Lore, Green Magick

Emphasis Upon the Craft of the Solitary Practitioner

The Spirit of Gardening

Bibliography, Links, Resources, Quotes, Notes

Research by Michael P. Garofalo







The Green Wizard
Bibliography, Links, Resources, Quotes, Notes



Abaxion.  Chico, California.  Craft and occult supplies on-line.  

Above the Fog   

Ancient Ways: Reclaiming Pagan Traditions.  By Pauline Campanelli and Dan
Campanelli.  St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Pubs., 1991.  256 pages.  
ISBN: 0875420907.

The Art of Ritual: A Guide to Creating and Performing Your Own Ceremonies
for Growth and Change.  By Renee Beck and Sydney Barbara Metrick .  Berkeley,
California, Celestial Arts, 1990.146 pages.  ISBN: 0890875820.  MGC.  

Alchemy Works Seeds and Herbs  

The Book of Sacred Stones: Fact and Fallacy in the Crystal World.  By Barbara
G. Walker.  San Francisco, Harper, 1989.  Index, 209 pages.  ISBN: 0062509217.  

The Book of Wizardry: The Apprentice's Guide to the Secrets of the Wizard's Guild.
By Cornelius Rumstuckle.   St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Pubs., 2003.  408 pages.
ISBN: 0738701653.  

Branwen's Pagan Directory:  Pagan, Witchcraft and Wicca Directory of Resources.

Circles, Groves and Sanctuaries: Sacred Spaces of Today's Pagans
.  Compiled
by Dan and Pauline Campanelli.  St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Publications,
1993.  MGC.  Resources, 268 pages.  ISBN: 0875421083.  Ideas for creating
indoor and outdoor altars and sanctuaries.  

Crazy Wisdom
.  By Wes Scoop Nisker.   Berkeley, California, Ten Speed Press, 
1990.  226 pages.  ISBN: 0898153506.   MGC.  

Crowley, Aleister  1875 - 1947.    Foundation     Links     Works    Biography

Crystal Balls and Crystal Bowls.   Tools for Ancient Scrying and Modern Seership.
By Ted Andrews.  St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Pubs., 1995.  Index, 238 pages.
MGC.  ISBN: 1567180264.  

Culinary Herbs  

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic.  By Scott Cunningham.
St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Pubs., 1995.  Index, 221 pages.  MGC.
ISBN:   0875421261.

Earth, Air, Fire and Water: More Techniques of Natural Magic.  By Scott Cunningham.
St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Pubs., 1994.  Index, 223 pages.  MGC.  ISBN: 0875421318.  

Earth Power: Techniques of Natural Magic.  By Scott Cunningham.  St. Paul, Llewellyn Pubs., 1994.  
MGC.  ISBN: 0875421210.  Appendices, charts, 153 pages

Earth Prayers
.   Edited by Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon. San Francisco, Harper Collins, c 1991. 
First Edition. Full Title: Earth Prayers from around the World: 365 Prayers, Poems, and Invocations for 
Honoring the Earth. 451 pages, index of first lines, a calendar of earth prayers, and acknowledgments. 
ISBN: 006250746X.  MGC.  

Everyday Tao: Living With Balance and Harmony
.  By Deng Ming-Dao.  Harper, San
Francisco, 1996.  272 pages.  ISBN: 0062513958.  MGC.  

Five Animal Frolics Qigong

Fitness and Well Being: Bibliography, Links, Resources

Garden Retreats: Creating an Outdoor Sanctuary.   By Barbara Blossom Ashmun.  Photography by 
Allan Mandell.  Chronicle Books, 2000.  160 pages.   ISBN: 0811825000. 

Gardening and Spirituality

Goddesses: Links, Bibliography, Quotes, Notes   Complied by Michael P. Garofalo.  

Grimoire for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Shadows.  By An Moura.  St. Paul, 
Minnesota, Llewellyn Pubs., 2003. 304 pages.  ISBN: 0738702870.



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Green Way Research

Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore, and Herb Craft.   By Ann Moura (Aoumiel).  St. Paul, 
Minnesota, Llewellyn Publications, 1996.  Index, appendices, bibliography, 274 pages.
ISBN: 1567186904.  An good introductory text on the way of the old religion.  Insightful 
observations on the history of religon by a historian.  All aspects of the Green Craft are 
covered: philosophy, magick, rituals, seasonal celebrations, folk lore, herbals, craft tools, etc.  
For Aoumiel, the Green Craft involves pantheism, polytheism, reverence for nature, non-dogmatic
beliefs and practices, home arts, and mostly solitary practice.  MGC.  

Green Wizard: Bibliography, Links, Quotes, Notes

Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard
.  By Oberon Zell-Ravenheart.  Ranklin Lakes, NJ, New Page Books, 
2004.  Index, 370 pages.  ISBN: 1564147118.  A detailed and practical instructional manual on the way 
to become a wizard.  Intended for a young reader but useful to anyone.  MGC.  An excellent reference

Henge of Keltrina   

Herbs - Links

Home Sanctuary: Practical Ways to Create a Spiritually Fulfilling Environment.
By Nicole Marcelis.  McGraw Hill, Contemporary Books, 2000.  272 pages.
ISBN: 0809224895.  

Invoke the Goddess: Visualizations of Hindu, Greek and Egyptian Deities.  
By Kala Trobe.    St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Pubs., 2000.  Index, 
bibliography, 207 pages.  MGC.  ISBN: 1567184316.   

The Inward Journey.
   By Edith S. Schnapper.  The Concept of The Way in the Great Religions of
World.  London, George Allen & Unwin.  1965, 1980.  Index, 235 pages.  ISBN: 0042910153.  A
fascinating study of natural images and icons found in the religions of the world. 

Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner.  By Scott Cunningham (1956-1993)
St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Pubs., 1994.  Index, 220 pages.  MGC.  ISBN: 0875421849.  

Llewellyn Publications

Llewellyn's 2004 Magical Almanac.  St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Worldwide, 2003.  Index,
charts, 384 pages.  MGC.  ISBN: 0738701262.   

Magic Gardens:  A Modern Chronicle of Herbs and Savory Seeds.  By Rosetta E. Clarkson.
Foreword by Sal Gilbertie.  New York, Collier Books, 1939, 1992.  Index, 369 pages.
MGC.  ISBN: 0020309767.  

Magical Herbalism.  By Scott Cunningham.  The Secret Craft of the Wise.  St. Paul, 
Minnesota, Llewellyn Pubs., 1997.  Index, 241 pages.  ISBN: 0875421202.  MGC.  

Master Book of Herbalism.  By Paul Beyerl.  Illustrations by Diana Greene.  Custer,
Washington, Phoenix Pub. Co., 1984.  Index, 415 pages.  ISBN: 0919345530.  MGC.  

Master Chang San-Feng



Master Chang San-Feng

The Tao of Tai-Chi Chuan:  Way to Rejuvenation (1980)


Master Han Shan

Medicinal Herbs and Drugs

Meditation: Bibliography, Links, Quotes, Notes.  Compiled by Michael P. Garofalo.

Merlin    Biography

Months: Poems, Lore, Quotations, Bibliography, Notes, Chores.   Complied by Michael P. Garofalo.

Nature Mysticism

Paths to Fitness and Well Being: Bibliography, Links, Resources

Plants of Love : Aphrodisiacs in Myth, History, and the Present.
   By Christian Ratsch.   Ten Speed 
Press, 1997.  208 pages.   ISBN: 0898159288.  

Quotes for Gardeners.  Over 2,700 quotes arranged by over 135 topics.  Complied by 
Michael P. Garofalo.  

Readings to Uplift a Gardener's Spirits: Bibliography, Links and Resources  
Compiled by Michael P. Garofalo.   

Reclaiming the Power: The How and Why of Practical Ritual Magic.  By Lady Sabrina.  
St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn, Publications, 1992.  332 pages.  ISBN: 0875421660.  MGC.

So You Want to Be a Wizard.  By Diane Duane.  San Diego, Magic Carpet Books, 1983.  

The Sabbats: A New Approach to Living the Old Ways.  By Edain McCoy.  St. Paul, 
Minnesota, Llewellyn Pubs., 1994.  Index, 255 pages.  MGC.  ISBN: 1567186637.  
Practical suggestions for celebrating the pagan holidays in the Wheel of the Year.  

Sacred Woods and the Lore of Trees   Very interesting presentations about the historical 
uses, lore, and magical properties of many types of trees. 

The Spirit of Gardening.  Over 2,700 quotes arranged by over 135 topics.  Complied by 
Michael P. Garofalo.  

The Spirit of Trees.   Stories, folktales, essays, curricular resources, poems and links 
about the symbolic and aesthetic dimensions of trees.  Outstanding links to folktales, 
stories, and legends about trees.  

The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess.
Rituals, invocations, exercises, and magic.  By Starhawk.  10th Anniversary
Edition, Revised and updated.  Bibliography, index, 288 pages.  MGC.
ISBN: 0062508148.  A very influential work on Goddess worship and pagan 
religious practices.


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Staff, Rod, Wand

Sweeping Changes: Discovering the Joy of Zen in Everyday Tasks.  By Gary Thorp. 
Broadway, 2001.  176 pages.  ISBN: 0767907736.  

Taijiquan and Qigong: Links, Bibliography, Quotes, Journal, Notes    Prepared by 
Michael P. Garofalo.

Taoism: Links, Bibliography, Quotes, Notes   

Tongues in Trees:  Studies in Literature and Ecology.  By Kim Taplin.  Devon, England, 
Green Books, 1989.  222 p. An excellent commentary on the role of trees in life, literature, and 
the artist's inspirations.  A fine collection of quotes and insightful comments on the writings on 
the following authors:   John Keats, John Clare, William Barnes, John Ruskin, Gerard Manley 
Hopkins, Richard Jefferies, Thomas Hardy, Edward Thomas, E. M. Forester, John Fowles, 
Ivor Gurney, David Jones, Andrew Young,  J.R.R. Tolkien, and Frances Horovitz. 

Trees for Healing:  Harmonizing with Nature for Personal Growth and Planetary Balance
By Pamela Louise Chase and Jonathan Pawlik.  North Hollywood, California, Newcastle 
Publishing Co., Inc., 1991.  257 pages.  Notes, bibliography, list of organizations.  The lore 
and magical aspects of trees.  ISBN: 

Trees - Links and Quotes

Tree Medicine - Tree Magic.   By Ellen Evert Hopman and Diana Green.  Custer,
Washington, Phoenix Pub., 1992.  176 pages.  ISBN: 0919345557.

Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot.  By Lon Milo Duquette.  Weiser Books, 2003.
352 pages.  ISBN:  1578632765.  

Valley Spirit Journal.   By Michael P. Garofalo.  A daily blog about life in the North Sacramento Valley,
California.  Includes much on gardening, movement arts (Taijiquan, Walking, Qigong, Yoga), 
Green Wizardry, philosophy, web publishing, and lifestyle notes.    

The Way of Wizards.  By Tom Cross.  Andrews McMell Pub., 2001.  176 pages.
ISBN: 0740719653.  Excellent illustrations by the author.  

Wheel of the Year: Living the Magical Life.  By Pauline Campanelli.  Illustrated by Dan 
Campanelli.  St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Publications, 1989, 1993.  
ISBN: 0875420915.  

Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner.  By Scott Cunningham.  Llewellyn's 
Practical Magick Series.  St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Publications, 1994. 
Index, bibliography, glossary, 218 pages.  MGC.  ISBN: 0875421180.  A very
good introduction to the Craft by an open-minded person.  

Wild Goose Qigong   

The Witch and Wizard Training Guide.   By Sirona Knight.   Citadel Press, 2001.
186 pages.  ISBN: 0806522135.  Introduction to magickal practices.  

The Witches' Goddess: The Feminine Principle of Divinity.  By Janet and Stewart Farrar.  
With line illustrations by Stewart Farrar.  Custer, Washington, Phoenix Publishing, 
1987.  Index, 319 pages.  MGC.  ISBN: 0919345913.  

Witta: An Irish Pagan Tradition.  By Edain McCoy.  St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn,
1993.  Index, bibliography, glossary, resources, 253 pages.  MGC.
ISBN: 0875427324.  

Wizard County - A Gallery of New Age Art and Visionary Poetry  By M. Shannon Johns.  

Wizard Poems - Google Index  

Wizard's Handbook: A Field Guide to Magic.  By Caroline Tiger.  Price Stern Sloan, 
2001.  87 pages.  ISBN:  0843177039.

Wizard's Handbook.  By Anton Adams and Mina Adams.   2003.  

The World of Darkness: Sorcerer - The Hedge Wizard's Handbook.  
By James Estes and Phil Brucato.  White Wolf Pubs., 1997.  ISBN: 1565044517.

The World of Wizards: Modern Magical Tools and Ancient Traditions.  By Anton 
Adams and Mina Adams.  Metro Books, 2003.  160 pages.  ISBN: 1586637568.

The Yin of Tai Chi: Tao, Tai Chi and the Mysterious Female.  By John Lash.  London,
Vega Books, 2002.  Index, 305 pages.  ISBN: 1843336154.  

Zen Poetry

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The Green Wizard
Quotes, Sayings, Resources, Notes




Beloved, gaze in thine own heart, 
The holy tree is growing there; 
From joy the holy branches start, 
And all the trembling flowers they bear. 
The changing colours of its fruit 
Have dowered the stars with metry light; 
The surety of its hidden root 
Has planted quiet in the night; 
The shaking of its leafy head 
Has given the waves their melody, 
And made my lips and music wed, 
Murmuring a wizard song for thee.
-  William Butler Yeats, The Two Trees






In Life's name and for Life's sake, I say that I will use the Art for 
nothing but the service of that Life.   I will guard growth and ease 
pain.  I will fight to preserve what grows and lives well in its own 
way; and I will change no object or creature unless its growth and 
life, or that of the system of which it is part, are threatened.  To these 
ends, in the practice of my Art, I will put aside fear for courage, and 
death for life, when it is right to do so -- till the Universe's end.
-  Diane Duane, So You Want to Be a Wizard






Standing at the Mysterious Pass
Centered in the Eternal Now,
Balanced in Body and Open in Mind,
Rooted into the Sacred Space,
Motionless as the Golden Mountain,
Fingers around the Primeval Sphere.

Dragons and Tigers are still dreaming -
Ready for Rebirth. 

I breathe in, the World Breathes Out.
The Gate of Space opens;
Heaven moves and Yang is born.
The hands move out, embracing the One.
The mind settles and is clear.
The Dragon Howls,
Ravens fill the Vast Cauldron,
Mind forms melt like mercury,
Spirit rises in the Clouds of Eternity.
Yin appears like the moon at dusk.

I breathe out, the World Breathes In.
The Doors of Emptiness close;
Earth quiets and Yin is born.
The hands move in, entering the One.
The body settles and becomes whole.
The Tiger Roars,
The Great Ox is nourished by the Valley Spirit, 
Substances spark from flaming furnaces,
Essence roots in the Watery Flesh.
Yang appears like the sun at dawn.

Dragons and Tigers
Transformed within the Mysterious Pass -
Chanting and Purring.

-   Michael P. Garofalo
    Opening at the Mysterious Pass
Sun Style Taijiquan




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More Quotes





Spirituality and Concerns of the Soul


Weeds and Weeding

Simplicity and the Simple Life

Pulling Onions
Quips, Maxims and Observations by Michael P. Garofalo

The Essence of Gardening

Working in the Garden

Garden Digest Links


Haiku Poetry  -  Links and References

Cliches for Gardeners and Farmers

The History of Gardening Timeline
From Ancient Times to the 20th Century

Short Poems and Haiku by Michael P. Garofalo

Seeing and Vision

Beauty in the Garden

Seasons and Time

Zen Poetry

Comments about this Web Site

Jokes, Riddles and Humor



Quotes for Gardeners

Quotes, Sayings, Proverbs, Poetry, Maxims, Quips, Cliches, Adages, Wisdom
A Collection Growing to Over 2,700 Quotes, Arranged by 130 Topics
Many of the Documents Include Recommended Readings and Internet Links.
Compiled by Michael P. Garofalo




The Spirit of Gardening








Distributed on the Internet by Michael P. Garofalo


I Welcome Your Comments, Ideas, Contributions, and Suggestions

E-mail Mike Garofalo in Red Bluff, California

A Short Biography of Mike Garofalo



The Green Wizard  -  Quotes for Gardeners.   Version 1.


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Quotes for Gardeners

Haiku and Short Poems

The Spirit of Gardening

Cuttings by Michael P. Garofalo

The History of Gardening Timeline

Cloud Hands: Taijiquan and Qigong

Valley Spirit Journal by Michael P. Garofalo



Zen Poetry

Fitness and Well Being

Pulling Onions by Michael P. Garofalo

Valley Spirit Photography Gallery

Green Way Research





















































Alphabetical Subject Index


Cloud Hands Website
Taijiquan, Qigong, Taoism, Classics, Weapons: Sword and Staff

Fitness and Well Being Website

      Gardening, Meditation, Walking, Yoga, Strength Training,
      Fitness for Older Persons, Aerobics, Relaxation  

The Spirit of Gardening

2,700 Quotes Arranged by 130 Topics, History, Guides,
     Psycho-Spiritual Aspects of Gardening 

Web Guides, Bibliographies, Links, Directories, Quotes, Notes


Alphabetical Subject Index


Aging Well   

Alphabetical Subject Index to the Cloud Hands Website   

Ancient Goddesses - Quotations, Poems, Sayings, Prayers, Songs

Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi): Tiger, Bear, Crane, Deer, and Monkey

Arthritis Therapy - Exercise: T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Chi Kung      

Bear, Standing Bear, Level 1 Ranking, Valley Spirit Taijiquan

The Bear: The Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)    

Bibliography - Ch'i Kung

Bibliography - Taijiquan     

Bird - Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)

Blog - Valley Spirit Journal by Michael P. Garofalo

Breathing and Taijiquan     

Breathing and Yoga    


Buddhism and Martial Arts    

Buddhist Ethics

California (Northern) T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools, Information

Charkas (Energy Centers of the Subtle Body)

Chan Ssu Chin - Silk Reeling    

Cheng Man-Ch'ing  (1901-1975)    

Chen Style T'ai Chi Ch'uan     

Ch'i - Breathwork

Ch'i or Qi

Ch'i Kung: Bibliography and Links    

Ch'i Kung Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo in Red Bluff, California   

Chinese Massage

Ch'i or Qi and Taijiquan     

Classes, Valley Spirit Taijiquan, Instructional Program

Classics of T'ai Chi Ch'uan     

Cloud Hands: T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Ch'i Kung     

Cloud Hands T'ai Chi Ch'uan Journal     

Cold Mountain Poets: Wanderers, Mystics, and Sages     

Confucius (K'ung Fu-tzu)  (551 - 479 BCE)    


Crane - Bird - Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)

Crane, Soaring Crane, Intermediate Program, Level 3, Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan   

Cuttings: Short Poems by Michael P. Garofalo  

Cuttings: Above the Fog  

Dance and Taijiquan       

Dayan - Wild Goose Qigong

The Deer: The Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)    

Diabetes Therapy - Exercise: Taijiquan and Qigong   

Disclaimer of the Cloud Hands Website  

Eight Section Brocade Ch'i Kung       

Eight Silken Treasures Qigong    

Eight Trigrams and Taijiquan          

Embrace the One - Zhan Zhuang - Standing Like A Tree

Emptiness in Full Bloom    

Entering Tranquility (Ru Jing) Meditation      

Exercise - Diabetes Therapy - Taijiquan and Qigong   

Feedback, Kudos and Reviews for the Cloud Hand's Website     

Fitness and Well Being    

Fitness for Older Persons     

Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi): Tiger, Bear, Crane, Deer, and Monkey

Five Precepts of Buddhism     

Five Elements (Wu-Xing) and Taijiquan   

Five Stepping Movements of Taijiquan    

Flexibility and Stretching


Flowers in the Sky     

Gardening: Quotes, Poems, History, Sayings

Gardening: Quips and Maxims by Michael P. Garofalo

The Four Gates: Grasping the Sparrow's Tail    

Michael P. Garofalo's Biography

Michael P. Garofalo's T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Practice    

The Goddess - Quotations, Poems, Sayings, Prayers, Songs    

Goose - Bird - Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)  

Goose - Wild Goose Qigong             

Grasping the Sparrow's Tail          

Green Way Research        

Green Way Research - Taijiquan and Qigong       

Green Wizard 

Gu Shen Taijiquan Journal     

Gu Shen (Valley Spirit) Taijiquan Instructional Program

Haiku and Short Poems     

Hatha Yoga

Health and Fitness - T'ai Chi Ch'uan    

Hidden Tiger, Beginning Program, Level 2, Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan   

Index to the Cloud Hands Website

Instructional Program, Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan    

Journal - Valley Spirit Journal by Michael P. Garofalo

Kriya Yoga    

Kundalini (Coiled Serpent) Energy

Kwang Ping Taijiquan of Kuo Lien Ying     

Links and Bibliography: Qigong    

Links and Bibliography: Taijiquan       

Long Form 108 Yang Style Taijiquan     


Master Chang San-Feng  (circa 1350)       

Master Cheng Man-Ch'ing  (1901 - 1975)    

Master Han Shan  (circa 750)    

Master Kuo Lien Ying     

Master Sun Lu-Tang   

Mastery, Self Control, Self Mastery, Choices, Will Power, Strength of Character

Meditation - General

Meditation and Breathing

Meditation and Walking    

Meditation Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo in Red Bluff, California        

Meditation Methods and Techniques  

Meditation Quotations    

Meditation - Standing Like A Tree  

Meditation - Wu Ji - The Edge of Emptiness  

Michael P. Garofalo's T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Practice    

Minding the Breath

Months of the Year: Quotes, Poems, Links     

Moving Hands Like Clouds:  T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong    

Northern California T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools, Information

Nature Mysticism   

Nine Movement Temple Ch'i Kung Exercise Set

Oak Tree in the Courtyard    

Old Cloud Hands Website

Older Persons Exercise and Wellness Programs   

Oregon T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools, Information   

Original Cloud Hands URL    

Original Waving Hands Like Clouds URL    

Photography - Valley Spirit Photography Gallery    

Pranayama: Breathing Techniques from Yoga     

Private Instruction by Michael P. Garofalo, Instructional Programs

Pulling Onions: The Quips and Maxims of a Gardener

Push Hands - T'ui Shou   

Qigong: Bibliography and Links    

Qigong - Breathwork

Qigong Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo in Red Bluff, California        

Qigong Walking      

Qi or Ch'i and Taijiquan     

Raja Yoga

Red Bluff, Valley Spirit Taijiquan Instructional Program

Relaxation and Taijiquan     

Reviews of the Cloud Hand's Website     

Self Control, Self Mastery, Choices, Will Power    


Senior Citizens Fitness Programs  

Sensing Hands: Push Hands - T'ui Shou   

Shoong, Sung, Song  - Loose, Relaxed, Open, Yielding, Responsive     

Short Form, Yang Style, Beijing Simplified 24

Silk Reeling    

Simplified 24 From, Yang Style       

Soaring Crane, Intermediate Program, Level 3, Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan

Soulful Gardening

Speaking to the Spirit Meditation

The Spirit of Gardening    

Staff Weapons: Jo, Bo, Can, Staff, Spear    

Standing Bear, Level 1 Ranking, Valley Spirit Taijiquan

Standing Like A Tree - Zhan Zhuang

Standing Meditation (Wu Ji)

Sticking Hands - T'ui Shou   

Stork - Bird - Five Animal Frolics

Strength Training    

Stretching and Flexibility

Subject Index to the Cloud Hands Website

Sun Lu-Tang   

Sun Style T'ai Chi Ch'uan     

Swordsmanship and T'ai Chi Ch'uan     

T'ai Ch'i Classics      

Tai Chi for Arthritis

Tai Chi for Diabetes

T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Bibliography and Links     

T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools, Information, Workshops      
Northern California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo in Red Bluff, California      

T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Red Bluff, CA  

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Short Form, Beijing Simplified 24, Yang Style     

T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Links and Bibliography      

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Staff     

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Sword (Jian)     

Taijiquan: Bibliography and Links      

Taijiquan - Breathwork

Taijiquan Classics      

Taijiquan For Good Health, Fitness and Vitality         

Taijiquan Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo in Red Bluff, California        

Taijiquan Jian (Sword)     

Tantric Yoga

Taoism, Nature Mysticism, Alchemy      

Temple Qigong - A Nine Movement Exercise Set     

Thirteen Postures: 8 Gates and 5 Steps                  

Thirteen Treasures Walking Qigong       

The 300 Missing Poems of Han Shan      

The Tiger: The Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)    

Tiger, Hidden Tiger, Beginning Program, Level 2, Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan

Tree Qigong - Zhan Zhuang - Standing Like A Tree   

Trees - Quotations, Poems, Lore, Wisdom  

24 From, Yang Style, Standard       

Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan Club        

Valley Spirit Journal by Michael P. Garofalo       

Valley Spirit Photography Gallery    

Valley Spirit Taijiquan Instructional Program

Valley Spirit Taijiquan and Qigong Journal by Michael P. Garofalo       

Vancouver, B.C., T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools

Vitality, Health and Qigong   

Walking - General Fitness Exercise

Walking and Taijiquan     

Walking - Quotations     

Washington T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools, Information 

Waving Hands Like Clouds:  T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong    

Wild Goose Qigong

Will Power, Self Control, Self Mastery, Choices, Strength of Character   


Wu Ji - Standing Meditation

Yang Style Taijiquan Long Form 108 Movements     

Yang Style Taijiquan Short Form 24 Movements       

Yin-Yang Sensitivity Training: Sticking Hands - T'ui Shou   


Yoga - Breathwork

Yoga - Hatha   

Yoga - Kriya

Yoga -Tantric

Yoga-Taiji Index

Zhan Zhuang - Standing Like A Tree

Zen Poetry       

Zen Buddhist Quotations   



Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan Club

Red Bluff, Tehama County, North Sacramento Valley, Northern California, U.S.A.
Cities and small towns in the area: Oroville, Paradise, Durham, Chico, Hamilton City,
Corning, Rancho Tehama, Los Molinos, Tehama, Proberta, Gerber, Manton, Cottonwood,
Anderson, Shasta Lake, Palo Cedro, Igo, Ono, Redding, Shasta, Colusa, Willows,
Fall River, Montgomery Creek, Alturas, McCloud, Dunsmuir, Yreka, Happy Camp,
Shingletown, Burney, Mt. Shasta City, Weaverville, Williams, Chester, Orland,
Susanville, Weed, Gridley, Marysville, Yuba City, CA, California.


August 8, 2004


Green Way Research   

Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan

Cloud Hands: T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Ch'i Kung