One Short of a Baker's Dozen

Short Poems


Michael P. Garofalo

10-20 Line Poems

Cloud Hands Blog



Title Index


Chanting Canyon Streams  

Crap Rap

The Cup in Her Hand

Double Visions

Emptiness in Full Bloom

Half n' Half



Koan 46

Last Kiss     

Mantra from a Master

Mystical Union at the Union

No Guarantees to the End


Outside in a Dream

She Dropped Away

Shells of Chevrons Fade to Powerout

Six Wings 

Taking Off

Ten Thousand Wonders

Thumping the Bible Thumper



Poetry by Mike Garofalo


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chanting canyon streams


Opening bell
echoes from the canyon walls -
falling rain.

           The sounds of rocks bouncing off rocks;
           the shadows of trees traced on trees.

I sit, still.
The canyon river chants,
moving mountains.

           The sermon spun on the still point:
           dropping off eternity, picking up time;
           letting go of self, awakened to Mind.




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Crap Rap


White wood pretends he's a black hood.
          Crap rap, thumping bass; phony ass.
His He-Man's a'twitch, so he slaps on his bitch.
          Crap rap, thumping bass; mean ass.
"Fucking" all this and "fuck" all that.
          Crap rap, thumping bass; dumb ass.
Balloon pants to his shins, crude tats on his skin.
          Crap rap, thumping bass; ugly ass.
His bros are the best, man, he signs with his hand.
          Crap rap, thumping bass; pack ass.
He coughs up a puff and amps up his mind, crossing the line.
          Crap rap, thumping bass; dead ass.



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No Guarantees to the End

Our guarantees that
Our cherished ideals will survive,
Our great great grandchildren will thrive,
Our monuments stand ...
             Our guarantees?
This tree my great great grandmother planted,
This dog-eared Leaves of Grass on my desk,
This classic folksong on my breath,
This heirloom apple in my hand ...
             This day,
             no guarantees
             for or against.
             Good!    So we strive on,
Their hopes in our hands.




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The Cup in Her Hand


Live long enough and the losses pile up,
Till you're tossed away like an old cracked cup,
All stained and worm, dulled by time,
useless, leaking, not worth a dime.

Egoless, your flesh falls away, skeleton
Lost in Nirvana; lights out, all done.

Then, the Skeleton Woman drinks your dry tears,
Drums your still heart, and sings away fears,
Slips under the quilts and gives Love a Whirl -
Spinning, Twirling, your reborn as a Girl. 

Forget yourself, crack the cup on the floor,
Speak in a new voice, the past is no more. 




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Half n' Half


Ripening figs      summer half gone
        cutting up peach pies      family reunion
The moans of the bereaved     dead girl's coffin
        church chimes     shaking hands
Lakeside shade      a shivering boy
        cool pools       steelhead trout
Her blue eyes closed     lips quivering
        he leaps     eyes wide open
Red roses in full bloom     scented morn
        gasoline on his hands      coughing
The lawn mower jerks forward     sputtering
        blowing out 36 candles      a life half done




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                               our lips smack
                               our fantasies

                           scent of her flowers -
                                        kissing her knee

                           ruckus on
                           damp sheets all askew -
                                        panting face to face

                           trembling together
                           we explode!
                                         groaning ...




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Double Visions


An eager face staring into the Rich silence
Of mirrored space devoid of mind;
Not projecting or connecting, but reflecting
Supreme non-fictions, Things
Naked as they are, as they are.

Inevitably, as sunshine blares on stones,
Green erupts from Brown;
Curious George swings across the mind,
Past junkyards of ideas, peeling metaphors,
Rusting rimes, and concrete cliches,

Into the Center of Imagination City.

                     We are as we are:
            Realities and Possibilities.




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Outside in a Cool Dream


I yanked off my shirt and toweled off the sweat,
Tossed off my shoes all smelly and wet,
Stretched out my back on the cool tile floor,
Freed from the smoky heat outside the door.

I slipped into dreaming about walking in fog
With mother and brothers in sand we did slog,
Along the spit to Morro Rock one March day,
Relaxed, exhilarated, refreshed, and at play.

We sat on the dunes with the waves in our ears,
And sipped our sweet coffees all in good cheer,
Our toes in the sand, we laughed till we cried,
Then all sat in silence as the years drifted by.

I stirred, awakened, wondered where I could be;
Inside or Outside; a dream, or faded memory.





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Ten Thousand Wonders


The endless treasures of the everyday,
the uncommonness of common things;
Ordinary mind does point the way
to unspoken wonders of myriad beings.

Whether, a leaf, the moon, a plastic spoon,
or a shoe, an eye, an infant's cry;
the endless parade, zoom out, in zoom,
Details on details, thick, piled high.

Cellular seedpods pulsing pure time,
Flowering brains clone families of minds
that revel in thinking to the Infinite edge,
agog over life, and love of knowledge.

Whether, a quasar, a hand, a DNA strand,
Fantastic journeys in the Minds of Man. 



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Thumping the Bible Thumper


They used the Bible to justify slavery,
To keep women under foot, and children under rods,
To silence free thinkers on the hanging trees,
Making weak men into pompous demi-gods.

Now, a free people think on their own,
Rejecting worship of passé tomes;
Looking for truth in human facts,
Reason, wisdom, wholesome acts.

Other scriptures fare no better
When blindly followed to the letter;
As soon as The Truth becomes the rule
The realities of truths are lost on fools.

So strong men now speak face to face,
Using wisdom, not scriptures, to design their fates.




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six wings

three fat ducks
scurried up
the muddy bank

by the willows

their wet wings

one by one
in the warm sun
for fun




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Poetry by Mike Garofalo







                                  Last Kiss           


                                                            scent on her blouse,
                                          hard    a   softens
                                           fast    x   slowly

                                                           her smell
                                                           lingers on my lips;
                                                           catching my breath

                                                                  closing the back door,
                                                                  our affair ends




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Koan 46


And before the Wise Ones appeared,
Forty million years of ducks in the mud.

Blowing out a candle
                   ten thousand miles away
Cutting up a duck for dinner.

A dog barks at nothing,
a thousand ducks twitch--
winds of winter.

Has a duck the Buddha-Nature?
Stop quacking like a duck."


                     -  Above the Fog





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She Dropped Away


Shimmering yellow mulberry leaves
Swayed in the oblique sunlight and gentle breeze;
As leaf after leaf fell to the frosted grass,
My dear old friend, she breathed her last
Breaths.  Weakly she lifted the pencil to her lips,
Thinking of what to say before the drift
Into her own unconscious depths
And the rapid sinking unto her death.

Long afterwards, reading her last words,
My breath choked up, then stopped:

                     " Finally,
                       finished -
                             a yellow leaf drops. "





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Taking Off

Encouraged by the dogs, and delighted by the fog, I took off walking around the south field.  
Feeling energetic, my pace quickened.

The dogs bolted ahead.  They checked out the mares feeding along the fence line, and
scouted  in the weeds for gophers.  They greeted the neighborhood dogs with sniffs and stares. 
Lap after lap, they led the way.

The tune on my Walkman rivaled my pace.   Along with the Eagles, I broke out in song,
"I'm all ready gone, I feeling strong."

Suddenly, flapping out of the fog, flying low and fast, clucking - a pheasant.  Frightened
by the dogs, it fled southward towards the creekbed.  Minutes later, again,
another large pheasant leapt up and flew quickly away into the fog. 

                                              Blackbirds by the thousands,
                                                               swooping into view;
                                                                       here then gone.




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((((The Jolt))))                                 Awakened
God,                          Earthquake!
(Shattering Glass!)                              No   nO  No  NO
                                  Exploding World!
Buckling                    Walls              ROAR!!    Allah!
(((((Heaving!!!!!        Shiva!!               Black)))))
Oh, No!!!!!                                       ((((((((JOLT)))))))
(((((ROAR!!!))))        God!!             ((((((((JOLT)))))))
Screaming.........                               ROAR!!!    !!screaming!!
              Islamabad, Pakistan. 10/18/2005
                      (((((ROLLING ROAR))))) 
          Indian Ocean, Tsunami, 12/26/2004
                  Gujarat, India, 1/26/2001
                  Central Taiwan, 9/20/1999
                   Izmit, Turkey, 8/17/1999
                    Afghanistan, 5/30/1998
                   Kobe, Japan, 1/17/1995
                    Mexico City, 9/17/1985
Tangshan, China, 7/28/1976
               Retching Earth Vomits Up Death
((((Skull Crushing, Back Breaking, Gut Squishing))))
                      Collapsing their Futures
                    screaming thud after thud
                       into seconds of terror
           moaning groaning screaming crying

          Merciless Gaia, wimp Gods, Devil Rocks





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i spread my legs
nursed my sons
and watched the fucking men
and their crazy cures
(for what ails the healthy)
kill my hapless sons one by one.
communizm, nationalizm, catholicizm, fascizm,
capitalizm, islamizm, colonializm;
Creed after Creed
blessing gore and gullibility,
fetishes of gun and knife
hardnosed horrors
strangling then gutting
a better life.


From: bitter pills

Poetry by Mike Garofalo







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Emptiness in Full Bloom


                            Leaping from the Ledge of Infinite Regress,
                            The Unmoved Mover fell into Formlessness:
                            Her screams were pure silence,
                            Eons of eons vanished in a second,
                            Withered trees bloomed in fires,
                            Polar mountains crumbled, rivers went dry,
                            Thusness scattered in sixty directions,
                            Space became Time, time became things,
                            Black Holes filled with Nirvana,
                            A billion samadhi mirrors shattered,         
                            Death was baptized, Life was mourned,
                            Many became One, One only, only One.     
                            Thus, the Divine Illuminatrix in All Beings
                            Opened Her clouded Eye, to see:
                                      Flowers in the Sky.
                                                                           -  From
Emptiness in Full Bloom




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Sad Face in a Mirror.   By Michael P. Garofalo.


From:  'crete'oems:mpgarofalo





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       I was thinking about "the Absolute"
       (whatever that is)
       yesterday.   (Philosophers enjoy
       the rush of mental masochism:
       bondage to leathery ideas,
       painful flagellation with cutting words,
       the humiliation of utter confusion.)

       Absolute Zero - Death!
       Clearly, a deep shivering Super-Conducting
       Absolute No.  

       The Past: a second ago, a century ago...
       Dead Time - absolutely kaputt!





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Mystical Union at the Union

How ya do'n?, winking
Starbuck's smile, pumped,
She pushed out a chair, join me;
I did.  Very eagerly, as she could see.
Still reading the mystics?, she
Halfway teased, eyes wide,
Bending forward, Venus undisguised;
I melted, nearly died.  Yes, and You?

Listened; kept my Cool.  Her clear mind
Spinning Rumi and dizzy Dervish blisses,
Obscure illusions from Eliot's Quartets,
Koans about Buddha-Nature in shit and piss,
folktales about Indra's Magic Net.  

Loosing my focus,
Fantasies flashed:
     Tantric hugs,
     Yogas of Love,
     Sacred kisses,
     Playful wishes.

Later, we left for her home;
Both with high hopes, for
Encounters with Eros.





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                           Shells of Chevrons Fade to Powerout

                               Gleaming gas pumps
                               In the fluorescent night,

                               Slaves of the Almighty Dollar,
                               Pouring hot octanes
                               Into the bellies of Chevies.

                               DingDing!  Gallons go down.
                               Wallets open and fold.
                               Acid fogs melt steel-belted moons.

                               Headlights come and go, flashing
                               By the dry Lakes of Petro.

                               A dead end ahead, everywhere;
                               For us, for OPEC, for Fords.





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Mantra from a Master


I first met Chang San-Feng above the forest, 
near the clear spring,
when gathering clouds darkened the day,
and Mt. Shasta was silent.

His long beard was black as emptiness,
ear lobes to his shoulders,
holding obsidian in his hand,
pointing to the sun,
eyes staring into infinity,
his long body clothed in silence.

We exchanged "hellos"
smiled and bowed,
a barbarian and an Immortal,
both panting from the climb,
ten-thousand echoes
between our rocky minds.

After billions upon billions of heartbeats past
(for he must have been 888 years old),
I was so bold
as to ask the ancient one
for the sacred mantra of yore.
He lifted his whisk,
and brushed my face;
I could not speak,
my lips were stone,
ideas stopped

I was alone. 


Metaphysical Duets




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Poetry by Mike Garofalo


Cloud Hands Blog


Haiku Poetry
Links, References and Resources




Short Poems by Michael P. Garofalo



Body as Audience






Metaphysical Duets

Mazie O'Hearn, Robert O'Hearn, and Michael Garofalo





Quotes for Gardeners

Quotes, Sayings, Proverbs, Poetry, Maxims, Quips, Cliches, Adages, Wisdom
A Collection Growing to Over 3,500 Quotes, Arranged by 250 Topics
Many of the Documents Include Recommended Readings and Internet Links.
Compiled by Michael P. Garofalo



Pulling Onions
The Quips and Observations of a Gardener


The Spirit of Gardening






Copyrighted © 2000 - 2005 by Michael P. Garofalo.    All rights reserved.

I Welcome Your Comments, Ideas, Contributions, and Suggestions
E-mail Mike Garofalo in Red Bluff, California


Who is Mike Garofalo


Garofalo's Poetry Notebook III
Short Poems: Sonnets, Renga, Free Verse, Haibun
File:  sp2osbd.htm
63K, 29 December 2005
Distributed on the Internet since September 1, 2000.




The Spirit of Gardening

Quotes for Gardeners

Zen Poetry

Concrete Poetry

Cloud Hands

The History of Gardening Timeline

Haiku Poetry: Links, References, Resources

Short Poems by Michael P. Garofalo



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